24 Février 2025
7 mois il y a
Pentagone : la Chine cherche à accroître son influence dans l'Arctique
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Pentagone : la Chine et la Russie coopèrent de plus en plus dans l'Arctique
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Depuis que la Géorgie a transféré 49 pour cent des actions du projet stratégique de port en eau profonde d'Anaklia à un consortium d'État chinois, la Chine a également manifesté son intérêt pour la construction de l'aéroport international de Vaziani.
Le plus grand exercice militaire de Taiwan, l'exercice Han Kuang, a commencé. Ils simulent la façon dont Taiwan se défendrait contre une invasion totale de la Chine. La première journée a commencé avec les navires de guerre quittant leur port de Su'ao7 mois il y a
Le plus grand exercice militaire de Taiwan, l'exercice Han Kuang, a commencé. Ils simulent la façon dont Taiwan se défendrait contre une invasion totale de la Chine. La première journée a commencé avec les navires de guerre quittant leur port de Su'ao
Le président philippin Ferdinand Marcos, dans son discours sur l'état de la nation, annonce la fermeture totale et l'interdiction des casinos en ligne, désormais majoritairement détenus par des Chinois, dans le pays.
Le ministère chinois des Affaires étrangères vient d'annoncer que @DmytroKuleba se rendra en Chine du 23 au 26 juillet à l'invitation du ministre chinois des Affaires étrangères Wang Yi.
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:12 PLA aircraft, 7 PLAN vessels and 1 official ship operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC 8) today. 5 of the aircraft crossed the median line and entered Taiwan's southwestern ADIZ7 mois il y a
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:12 PLA aircraft, 7 PLAN vessels and 1 official ship operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC 8) today. 5 of the aircraft crossed the median line and entered Taiwan's southwestern ADIZ
Eleven people were confirmed dead as of Saturday morning following the partial collapse of a highway bridge in northwest China's Shaanxi Province, local authorities said.7 mois il y a
Eleven people were confirmed dead as of Saturday morning following the partial collapse of a highway bridge in northwest China's Shaanxi Province, local authorities said.
Commission Chair Jane Harman: bipartisan commission unanimous “threats [facing U.S.] greater than WW II.” Need “fundamental change to way Pentagon does business, lack of urgency.” “Clearly a broken budgeting process,” “how to pay for fixes.” Gen Jack Keane: 2018 NDS Commission showed us how U.S. military has atrophied. “5 years later have failed to keep up with threats.” “Potential for near term war is real.” “China is outpacing US military has negated US military advantage after 2 decades of investment.” “When we get within 1000 miles of Chinese mainland the military advantage moved to China, would be challenged to win. We could lose,” Gen Jack Keane tells @AspenSecurity7 mois il y a
Commission Chair Jane Harman: bipartisan commission unanimous “threats [facing U.S.] greater than WW II.” Need “fundamental change to way Pentagon does business, lack of urgency.” “Clearly a broken budgeting process,” “how to pay for fixes.” Gen Jack Keane: 2018 NDS Commission showed us how U.S. military has atrophied. “5 years later have failed to keep up with threats.” “Potential for near term war is real.” “China is outpacing US military has negated US military advantage after 2 decades of investment.” “When we get within 1000 miles of Chinese mainland the military advantage moved to China, would be challenged to win. We could lose,” Gen Jack Keane tells @AspenSecurity
US seeing increase in "intent to use" by Russia China of space and counterspace weapons, @DefenseIntel Dir LtGen Jeff Kruse tells @AspenSecurity
“We request your administration provide us with a full list of military, diplomatic, and economic options developed by the Departments of State and Defense to support the Philippines,” read a letter, seen by Reuters,from Senators Roger Wicker and Jim Risch
Chine: incendie dans un centre commercial du Sichuan, des personnes coincées
China suspended negotiations with the US on arms control and nuclear non-proliferation
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La phase active des exercices conjoints entre les militaires biélorusses et chinois a commencé sur le terrain d'entraînement de Brest
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US Navy: The US and Philippine Coast Guards conducted a bilateral search and rescue exercise in the South China Sea on July 16.
Bloomberg: Would you defend Taiwan against China? Trump: No7 mois il y a
Bloomberg: Would you defend Taiwan against China? Trump: No
7 mois il y a
Le chef du ministère hongrois des Affaires étrangères a déclaré qu'il espérait rencontrer Lavrov en marge du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU ; dans la matinée, il s'est entretenu par téléphone avec le chef du ministère chinois des Affaires étrangères
7 mois il y a
Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Andrei Bulyga, held talks with his Chinese counterpart, Major General Zhang Fan - Ministry of Defense
China, Russia start joint naval drills, days after NATO allies called Beijing a Ukraine war enabler
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China renews the call for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip
China-Taiwan: "An invasion or a PRC act of aggression is neither imminent nor inevitable" per Assistant Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs @ASD_IndoPacific Ely Ratner at @CSIS "But we've got a lot of work to do to keep it that way" he adds "We are working with allies like never before ."
7 mois il y a
German Federal government bans Huawei and ZTE technology from China in 5G mobile networks here
Maison Blanche : la Chine soutient la guerre russe en Ukraine
Président chinois : un cessez-le-feu rapide et un règlement politique en Ukraine serviraient les intérêts de toutes les parties
Premier ministre hongrois depuis Pékin : la Chine est une force majeure dans la création des conditions de paix dans la guerre russo-ukrainienne
Philippine Army Commander: The United States offered us support in the South China Sea operations
7 mois il y a
La communauté internationale devrait prendre des mesures pour se prémunir contre le risque d'attaques israéliennes contre la Palestine ou de propagation de la guerre entre la Russie et l'Ukraine, a déclaré le président turc à son homologue chinois
Erdogan meets Chinese President Xi Jinping on the sidelines of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit in Kazakhstan for the first time since 20227 mois il y a
Erdogan meets Chinese President Xi Jinping on the sidelines of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit in Kazakhstan for the first time since 2022
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Xi Jinping at the SCO summit called on the association countries to increase the exchange of intelligence data
The European Union has carried out its threat to impose provisional tariffs on imports of electric cars from China of up to 37.6%, according to the bloc's Official Journal