6 Јули 2024
3 месец Пре
Russia and China veto US resolution for truce in Gaza in the Security Council
3 месец Пре
China's representative in the Security Council: There is an alternative draft resolution that achieves balance, proposed by several countries, and we support it
Специјални представник Кине за евроазијска питања Ли Хуи изразио је подршку Кине међународној мировној конференцији на којој би под једнаким условима учествовале Русија и Украјина. Ли је истакао спремност Кине да прихвати све што помаже деескалацији и преговорима. Кина је поднела предлоге да обезбеди успех мировне конференције коју је Швајцарска планирала за ово лето3 месец Пре
Специјални представник Кине за евроазијска питања Ли Хуи изразио је подршку Кине међународној мировној конференцији на којој би под једнаким условима учествовале Русија и Украјина. Ли је истакао спремност Кине да прихвати све што помаже деескалацији и преговорима. Кина је поднела предлоге да обезбеди успех мировне конференције коју је Швајцарска планирала за ово лето
3 месец Пре
China on Wednesday dismissed the responses of countries that have criticised Hong Kong's new national security law, commonly referred to as Article 23. "All attacks and smears will never succeed and are doomed to fail," foreign ministry spokesman says
3 месец Пре
Hong Kong passes tough security law, which authorities say is needed for stability but critics fear will further erode civil rights
3 месец Пре
Ројтерс: Путин ће посетити Кину следећег маја
3 месец Пре
China says US has 'no right' to interfere in South China Sea
3 месец Пре
The US Ambassador to Beijing: China's position on banning TikTok is ridiculous
352-65-1: The House overwhelmingly passes a bill to effectively ban TikTok in the U.S. unless its China-based parent company, ByteDance, sells the social media platform. Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) voted "present." The bill faces an uncertain path in the Senate
Америчка обавештајна служба: Не искључујемо да ће Кина намерно користити ТикТок да утиче на америчке изборе
„Кина такође посматра шта се овде дешава" по Хаинесу из @ОДНИгов „Ако Кина види. Ако виде да та решеност слаби и нашу неспособност да одржимо помоћ, то ће бити лекција коју ће научити за будућност, за своје сопствени асертивни напори"
3 месец Пре
India's nuclear deterrent takes a big step forward with the flight test of an ICBM with multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles (MIRVs). The MIRVed Agni 5, aka Divyastra, will bolster India's second-strike capability against China, engaged in a nuclear buildup frenzy
3 месец Пре
Iranian Army: Iranian, Russian, and Chinese naval maneuvers tomorrow in the northern Indian Ocean to enhance the security of maritime trade
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:9 PLA aircraft and 5 PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC 8) today. 4 of the aircraft entered Taiwan’s SW and northtern ADIZ. ROCArmedForces have monitored the situation and employed appropriate forces to respond3 месец Пре
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:9 PLA aircraft and 5 PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC 8) today. 4 of the aircraft entered Taiwan’s SW and northtern ADIZ. ROCArmedForces have monitored the situation and employed appropriate forces to respond
A US Army intelligence analyst has been arrested by the FBI after he allegedly transmitted sensitive U.S. Military information to a co-conspirator in China in exchange for approximately $42,000
U.S. House panel approves bill banning TikTok from U.S. app stores if ByteDance refuses to divest company
4 месец Пре
China accuses the United States of using the Philippines as a "pawn" in the South China Sea
The Maldives has signed a military assistance deal with China after ordering Indian troops to leave, officials say.  The Maldives says its military assistance deal with Beijing comes without payment or charge, but refuses to provide further details.4 месец Пре
The Maldives has signed a "military assistance" deal with China after ordering Indian troops to leave, officials say. The Maldives says its "military assistance" deal with Beijing comes without payment or charge, but refuses to provide further details.
4 месец Пре
Chinese coast guard blocks vessels off South China Sea shoal, causing a collision, Philippines says - AP
4 месец Пре
China’s vice president urged businesses from the world’s two largest economies to boost cooperation and safeguard global supply chains
4 месец Пре
Chinese Foreign Ministry: Gaza is witnessing an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe and the UN Security Council must move for an immediate ceasefire
Satellite photos capture China's floating barrier, which restricts indigenous Philippines fishermen's access to Scarborough Shoal & threatens their food security-all while China's industrial & illegal clam harvesters systematically destroy the shoal's fragile ecosystem. Satellite images reveal floating barrier at mouth of disputed atoll in South China Sea4 месец Пре
Satellite photos capture China's floating barrier, which restricts indigenous Philippines fishermen's access to Scarborough Shoal & threatens their food security-all while China's industrial & illegal clam harvesters systematically destroy the shoal's fragile ecosystem. Satellite images reveal floating barrier at mouth of disputed atoll in South China Sea
4 месец Пре
China sends warships to Middle East as Houthi Red Sea attacks increase
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:4 PLA aircraft and 4 PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC 8) today. ROCArmedForces have monitored the situation and employed appropriate forces to respond4 месец Пре
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:4 PLA aircraft and 4 PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC 8) today. ROCArmedForces have monitored the situation and employed appropriate forces to respond
4 месец Пре
Aircraft with the U.S. Air Force are current Investigating an Unidentified High-Altitude Balloon which has been Detected and Tracked entering the Northwestern United States; the Balloon is determined to not be a Threat, but its Origin and Purpose are Unknown
4 месец Пре
China's envoy to the Security Council: The establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state must be guaranteed
Nuclear-capable B-52 bomber flies with Philippine fighters over the South China Sea in signal to China4 месец Пре
Nuclear-capable B-52 bomber flies with Philippine fighters over the South China Sea in signal to China
4 месец Пре
ЕУ циља на кинеске фирме и Северну Кореју у новом пакету санкција на годишњицу рата Украјини
4 месец Пре
Canada: China should play a role in maintaining the security of the Red Sea
4 месец Пре
China urges Israel to stop its military operation in Rafah "as soon as possible"