18 Октобар 2024
2 месец Пре
Украјински министар спољних послова потврђује спремност своје земље за мировне преговоре са Русијом ако Москва буде спремна да преговара
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Министар спољних послова Украјине Кулеба: Данас ћемо одржати темељне и садржајне разговоре о билатералним односима, међународној агенди и путу ка миру. Уверен сам да је праведан мир у Украјини у стратешким интересима Кине, а улога Кине као глобалне силе за мир је важна
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Украјински министар спољних послова Кулеба током састанка са кинеским колегом Ванг Јијем: Руска агресија је препрека не само развоју Украјине. То такође омета међународну стабилност и развој добросуседских односа, укључујући развој трговине између Кине и Европе
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The Philippines announces reaching a joint understanding with China to ease tensions in the South China Sea
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Taiwan Ministry of Defense: 22 PLA aircraft, 9 PLAN vessels and 1 official ship operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC 8) today. 12 of the aircraft crossed the median line and entered Taiwan's southwestern ADIZ
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.2 - 33 km SSW of Liupanshui, China
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Украјински министар спољних послова: Моја посета Кини има за циљ да разговарам о начинима постизања праведног мира
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Украјински министар спољних послова: Кијеву и Пекингу је важно да имају директан дијалог
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European Union Foreign Policy Representative: The Fatah-Hamas agreement in China is a prominent development that must be supported
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Chinese Foreign Ministry: The Beijing Declaration included agreement on the unity of all factions within the framework of the Palestine Liberation Organization
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Chinese Foreign Ministry: We presented a three-step initiative regarding the conflict in Gaza that ends with full membership for Palestine in the United Nations
Hamas says it has signed an agreement in Beijing to work with other Palestinian groups towards “national unity”. Chinese officials said the factions, including Fatah, had agreed to set up an interim reconciliation gov't for post-war Gaza2 месец Пре
Hamas says it has signed an agreement in Beijing to work with other Palestinian groups towards “national unity”. Chinese officials said the factions, including Fatah, had agreed to set up an interim reconciliation gov't for post-war Gaza
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Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah sign declaration in Beijing on ending yearslong rift, as war in Gaza rages on, Chinese state media says
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Chinese media: Leaders from Fatah and Hamas will meet with journalists in Beijing in the presence of the Chinese Foreign Minister
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Pentagon: China seeks to increase its influence in the Arctic
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Pentagon: China and Russia are increasingly cooperating in the Arctic
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Since Georgia transferred 49 percent of the shares in the strategic Anaklia deep-water port project to a Chinese state consortium, China has also shown interest in the construction of the international Vaziani Airport
Taiwan’s largest military drill, the Han Kuang exercise has begun. They simulate how Taiwan would defend against an all out invasion from China. Day 1 began with Naval ships leaving their port at Su’ao2 месец Пре
Taiwan’s largest military drill, the Han Kuang exercise has begun. They simulate how Taiwan would defend against an all out invasion from China. Day 1 began with Naval ships leaving their port at Su’ao
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Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos, in his State of the Nation address, announces the total shutdown and ban of online casinos, now mostly owned by Chinese, in the country
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Министарство спољних послова Кине је управо објавило да ће @ДмитроКулеба посетити Кину од 23. до 26. јула на позив кинеског министра спољних послова Ванг Ји
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:12 PLA aircraft, 7 PLAN vessels and 1 official ship operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC 8) today. 5 of the aircraft crossed the median line and entered Taiwan's southwestern ADIZ2 месец Пре
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:12 PLA aircraft, 7 PLAN vessels and 1 official ship operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC 8) today. 5 of the aircraft crossed the median line and entered Taiwan's southwestern ADIZ
Eleven people were confirmed dead as of Saturday morning following the partial collapse of a highway bridge in northwest China's Shaanxi Province, local authorities said.2 месец Пре
Eleven people were confirmed dead as of Saturday morning following the partial collapse of a highway bridge in northwest China's Shaanxi Province, local authorities said.
Commission Chair Jane Harman: bipartisan commission unanimous “threats [facing U.S.] greater than WW II.” Need “fundamental change to way Pentagon does business, lack of urgency.” “Clearly a broken budgeting process,” “how to pay for fixes.” Gen Jack Keane: 2018 NDS Commission showed us how U.S. military has atrophied. “5 years later have failed to keep up with threats.” “Potential for near term war is real.” “China is outpacing US military has negated US military advantage after 2 decades of investment.” “When we get within 1000 miles of Chinese mainland the military advantage moved to China, would be challenged to win. We could lose,” Gen Jack Keane tells @AspenSecurity3 месец Пре
Commission Chair Jane Harman: bipartisan commission unanimous “threats [facing U.S.] greater than WW II.” Need “fundamental change to way Pentagon does business, lack of urgency.” “Clearly a broken budgeting process,” “how to pay for fixes.” Gen Jack Keane: 2018 NDS Commission showed us how U.S. military has atrophied. “5 years later have failed to keep up with threats.” “Potential for near term war is real.” “China is outpacing US military has negated US military advantage after 2 decades of investment.” “When we get within 1000 miles of Chinese mainland the military advantage moved to China, would be challenged to win. We could lose,” Gen Jack Keane tells @AspenSecurity
US seeing increase in "intent to use" by Russia China of space and counterspace weapons, @DefenseIntel Dir LtGen Jeff Kruse tells @AspenSecurity
“We request your administration provide us with a full list of military, diplomatic, and economic options developed by the Departments of State and Defense to support the Philippines,” read a letter, seen by Reuters,from Senators Roger Wicker and Jim Risch
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China: fire in a shopping center in Sichuan, people trapped
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China suspended negotiations with the US on arms control and nuclear non-proliferation
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На полигону Брест почела је активна фаза заједничких вежби белоруске и кинеске војске
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US Navy: The US and Philippine Coast Guards conducted a bilateral search and rescue exercise in the South China Sea on July 16.
Bloomberg: Would you defend Taiwan against China? Trump: No3 месец Пре
Bloomberg: Would you defend Taiwan against China? Trump: No