2 Ianuarie 2025
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Ministrul rus al Apărării Şoigu sa întâlnit cu omologul chinez la Moscova
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Chinese media: Beijing conducted missile exercises in the Xinjiang region
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Taiwan Ministry of Defense:4 PLA aircraft and 8 PLAN vessels around Taiwan were detected by 6 a.m.(UTC 8) today. R.O.C. Armed Forces have monitored the situation and tasked CAP aircraft, Navy vessels, and land-based missile systems to respond these activities
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Taiwan Ministry of Defense:26 PLA aircraft and 7 PLAN vessels around Taiwan were detected by 6 a.m.(UTC 8) today. R.O.C. Armed Forces have monitored the situation and tasked CAP aircraft, Navy vessels, and land-based missile systems to respond these activities
Taiwan Affairs Office of the Chinese Government: We urge adherence to the one-China principle and careful handling of Taiwan issues
Chinese Army: Chinese Navy ships continue to carry out combat exercises around Taiwan Island
@Politico raportează că China și Rusia sunt în discuții secrete avansate cu Iranul pentru a umple aprovizionarea Republicii Islamice cu perclorat de amoniu, care ar putea ajuta și Moscova să-și reumple stocul epuizat de rachete și ar încălca UNSCR 2231.
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Taiwanese Ministry of Defense: 14 Chinese Air Force aircraft crossed the middle line of the Taiwan Strait in the past 24 hours
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Taiwan Ministry of Defense:35 PLA aircraft and 8 PLAN vessels around Taiwan were detected by 6 a.m.(UTC 8) today. R.O.C. Armed Forces have monitored the situation and tasked CAP aircraft, Navy vessels, and land-based missile systems to respond these activities
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Taiwanese foreign minister tells @jimsciutto that China is threatening them with war. "We are ready to defend ourselves," he said
Chinese army: We monitor and follow the movements of the US destroyer Milius in the Spratly Islands
New JSDF report on CV-17 Shandong. Carrier has undertaken 120 flight ops over three days, 80 fixed wing, 40 heliborne. Carrier & escorts (054A   901 AOE) remains in a position ca 350 km east of Taiwan.中国海軍艦艇の動向について(CV17発着艦)n1 an înapoi
New JSDF report on CV-17 Shandong. Carrier has undertaken 120 flight ops over three days, 80 fixed wing, 40 heliborne. Carrier & escorts (054A 901 AOE) remains in a position ca 350 km east of Taiwan.中国海軍艦艇の動向について(CV17発着艦)n
Latest update on aircraft carriers in the waters east of Taiwan, based on newly released information by Japan's Ministry of Defense1 an înapoi
Latest update on aircraft carriers in the waters east of Taiwan, based on newly released information by Japan's Ministry of Defense
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China confirms that planes carrying live ammunition conducted simulated strikes near Taiwan
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Taiwan Ministry of Defense:42 PLA aircraft and 8 vessels were detected by 11:00(UTC 8) April 8th. 29 of the detected aircraft had crossed northern, central, and southern median line of the TaiwanStrait and entered our southwest ADIZ, attempting coercion on us
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Taiwan Ministry of Defense:PLA's Eastern Theater Command has announced to conduct combat-readiness patrols and joint exercises encircling Taiwan starting today. ROCArmedForces have monitored the situation and responded accordingly with our assets to defend our country
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - western Xizang
Sursă diplomatică franceză: Macron l-a îndemnat pe Xi să nu furnizeze arme Rusiei, Xi a spus că nu este războiul său
Macron spune că „conteze" pe Xi pentru „aducerea Rusiei la fire"
Xi salută legăturile cu Franța în timp ce lumea trece prin schimbări „profunde": mass-media de stat
Franța Emmanuel Macron se întâlnește cu Xi Jinping la Beijing
Șeful NATO Stoltenberg anunță că i-a invitat pe șefii de stat ai partenerilor din Indo-Pacific să participe la summitul de la Vilnius din iulie. Acest lucru face parte din susținerea sprijinului împotriva Chinei, dar și din creșterea sprijinului militar pentru Ucraina
While NATO has no proof China has provided Russia with lethal aid, says Sec Gen Stoltenberg, any change in that would be a "big mistake." Today's meeting between allies and Asia-Pacific countries aimed to shore up support for this position among non-NATO partners
Macron to the French community in Beijing: We seek balanced economic relations with China
Macron: Dialogul cu China este necesar, iar Rusia nu poate fi lăsată singură să discute cu Beijingul
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 146 km SE of Kuqa, China
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 100 km SW of Zhaotong, China
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Taiwan says 10 Chinese planes crossed the middle line of the Taiwan Strait
Premierul Spaniei Pedro Sanchez: Îi mulțumesc președintelui Xi Jinping pentru bun venit în această călătorie istorică. Această vizită stimulează relațiile noastre bilaterale și întărește cooperarea cu privire la diferite provocări globale. Am avut, de asemenea, un schimb sincer despre agresiunea Rusiei împotriva Ucrainei.
Președintele Comisiei Europene: Relațiile cu China vor fi stabilite în funcție de reacția acesteia la evoluțiile din războiul din Ucraina