4 Iulie 2024
1 lună înapoi
China says Hong Kong protest song ban 'necessary measure'
1 lună înapoi
China has hacked the Ministry of Defence, Sky News understands
1 lună înapoi
Chinese President: The main priority in Gaza is to ensure the delivery of aid
1 lună înapoi
Chinese President: The main way out of the current crisis is to implement the two-state solution
1 lună înapoi
Chinese President: The urgent task is to reach a comprehensive ceasefire in Gaza as quickly as possible
1 lună înapoi
President of the European Commission: Relations between the European Union and China are complex
1 lună înapoi
Macron către președintele chinez: Situația internațională face ca dialogul dintre Uniunea Europeană și Beijing să fie mai important ca niciodată
2 lună înapoi
China launches Chang'e-6 lunar probe: state media
2 lună înapoi
Macron stresses the protection of "strategic interests" in relations with China
Death toll at the Meilong Expressway collapse in Guangdong: 48
2 lună înapoi
US official urges China, Russia to declare only humans, not AI, control nuclear weapons
SUA au impus sancțiuni peste o duzină de companii din China și Hong Kong pentru sprijinirea războiului Rusiei din Ucraina. Mișcări rapide după ce Blinken a avertizat China săptămâna trecută cu privire la acțiunile SUA pe acest front, dacă China nu va întrerupe sprijinul critic cu dublă utilizare pentru Rusia
2 lună înapoi
Chinese Defense Minister: We will continue to strengthen the partnership between Moscow and Beijing in the military field
2 lună înapoi
The Chinese President meets the US Secretary of State in Beijing
Iran’s deputy foreign minister Ali Bagheri met China president’s special envoy in Moscow2 lună înapoi
Iran’s deputy foreign minister Ali Bagheri met China president’s special envoy in Moscow
2 lună înapoi
Iran and China defense ministers met in Kazakhstan on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s meeting
2 lună înapoi
Chinese President to Blinken: We hope that the United States will adopt a positive view of China's development
2 lună înapoi
The US Secretary of State says he held "extensive and constructive" talks with his Chinese counterpart
2 lună înapoi
China's foreign minister on Friday urged visiting US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to address rising disagreements or risk a "downward spiral" between the two powers after months of efforts to ease tensions
2 lună înapoi
TikTok's owner ByteDance would prefer to 'shut down' its app in the US rather than sell it if all legal options are exhausted - Reuters
Nava legată de transporturile de arme din Coreea de Nord către Rusia este ancorată în China: Departamentul de Stat
2 lună înapoi
The Chinese Army: We are ready to work with all countries to enhance communication and trust and play a positive role in building a safe maritime society
2 lună înapoi
The US Secretary of State arrives in Beijing for talks with senior Chinese officials
2 lună înapoi
TikTok CEO: We will fight against the American ban in the courts
2 lună înapoi
.@SecBlinken has arrived in Shanghai - the first of two stops on his China trip
US Senate approves bill banning TikTok unless Chinese owner ByteDance sells platform
2 lună înapoi
China denunță acuzațiile SUA de susținere a armatei ruse, calificându-le drept „fără temei"
2 lună înapoi
Police have arrested a staff member of the German far-right Alternative for Germany party on suspicion of espionage for China. The employee is said to work for the AfD's top candidate for the European Parliament elections, Maximilian Krah
2 lună înapoi
Secretary Blinken:We remain focused on promoting a free and open Indo-Pacific. In today's @G7 meeting, we discussed the need for peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, the South China Sea, and the Korean Peninsula, and our efforts to strengthen and reimagine relationships in the region
2 lună înapoi
The Chinese Ministry of Defense announces the formation of a new cyber military force