China will comprehensively strengthen its military training and preparation for any war - Xi
Ķīnas drošība ir kļuvusi arvien nestabilāka un nenoteiktāka - Sji
China warns Taiwan that "colluding with external forces to pursue independence" will be met with resolute opposition, after the island announced on investing 10 mln euros for chip production in Lithuania
2 gads atpakaļ CS-5000T (云影-5000T) UAV in Zhuhai Airshow 2022 (via wb/Polis城邦工作室)
2 gads atpakaļ Taiwan Ministry of Defense:63 PLA aircraft and 4 PLAN vessels around our surrounding region were detected today (Nov. 7, 2022) until 1700(GMT+8). ROCArmedForces have monitored the situation and responded to these activities with aircraft in CAP, naval vessels, and land-based missile systems
Warning from head of U.S. military's nuclear arsenal: "As I assess our level of deterrence against China, the ship is slowly sinking"
Chinese President: We will expand international trade networks
Chinese President: We will promote economic openness platforms
2 gads atpakaļ Kanclers Šolcs: Putina karš izaicina globālo mierīgo kārtību. Pekinā es lūdzu prezidentu Xi īstenot savu ietekmi uz Krieviju. Mēs piekrītam, ka atomu draudi ir ārkārtīgi bīstami. Šādu ieroču izmantošana šķērsotu sarkano līniju
USSPACECOM: USSPACECOM can confirm the People's Republic of China Long March 5B CZ5B rocket re-entered the atmosphere over the south-central Pacific Ocean at 4:01am MDT/10:01 UTC on 11/4. For details on the uncontrolled reentry's impact location, we once again refer you to the PRC
2 gads atpakaļ German chancellor Scholz becomes first G7 leader to visit Beijing since the Covid-19 pandemic. Pic via Reuters
"China-US relations are at a critical juncture. The international community, in general, expects to see a stable development of this relationship," Wang said, according to a readout issued by the Chinese government
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 144 km SSW of Hami, China
China's Zhengzhou puts the Airport Economy Zone, which includes Foxconn's iPhone factory, on COVID lockdown
Earthquake of magnitude 5.1 - 190 km N of Nagqu, China
Pentagons: nav pierādījumu, ka Ķīna piegādāja Krievijai ieročus
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - western Xizang
2 gads atpakaļ Sekretārs Blinkens runāja ar ĶTR FM Wang Yi, atkārtoja nepieciešamību uzturēt atvērtas saziņas līnijas. Starp pārrunātajām tēmām bija Ukraina un Haiti
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman stresses the importance of strategic relations between Beijing and Moscow
US President: The Chinese President knows that we do not seek to enter into a conflict with Beijing
Chinese Foreign Ministry: Taiwan's independence is doomed to fail, and it has no choice but to reunite with the mainland
Justice Department charges two Chinese intelligence officers with trying to obstruct the DOJ's investigation of the telecommunications giant Huawei
US FBI Director: The Chinese government is trying to silence anyone who tries to counter its threats
Washington accuses Beijing of seeking to "undermine" the US judicial system
US Department of Justice: Two Chinese intelligence officers charged with seeking to bribe a US government employee and stealing documents related to the federal prosecution against a China-based company
Earthquake of magnitude 5.0 - 90 km WNW of Zangguy, China
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 84 km WNW of Zangguy, China
2 gads atpakaļ 'The world needs China,' says Xi Jinping after being elected as the general secretary
2 gads atpakaļ Hu Jintao, the former Chinese leader, was unexpectedly escorted out of the Communist Party congress without explanation. He appeared to pause to speak to President Xi Jinping before leaving
China's Communist Party enshrines opposition to Taiwan independence into constitution