19 Septembris 2024
The US Treasury: Imposing sanctions on 5 individuals and 7 entities in Iran, China, and Hong Kong
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 225 km SSW of Dunhuang, China
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 159 km WNW of Daocheng, China
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"We wouldn’t allow Chinese policemen to patrol the streets of Warsaw, but everyone perceives their sovereignty as they see fit" – @radeksikorski to @VisegradInsight's @wprzybylski on Viktor Orbán's decision enabling Chinese policemen to patrol in Hungary
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The Chinese President during his meeting with the Italian Prime Minister: China and Italy must enhance rapprochement and resolve differences
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China recognizes Maduro's re-election after "successful organization" of elections
As per Taliban government officials, China is investing in construction of three large dams in Kunar1 mēnesis atpakaļ
As per Taliban government officials, China is investing in construction of three large dams in Kunar
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Taiwan Ministry of Defense:18 PLA aircraft and 14 PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC 8) today. 13 of the aircraft crossed the median line and entered Taiwan's northern, central, southwestern and eastern ADIZ
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The United States and Japan say that China seeks to reshape the international order at the expense of other countries
US State Department: Blinken raised with his Chinese counterpart during the Laos meeting human rights issues, including Tibet, Hong Kong, and Taiwan
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Ķīnas ārlietu ministrs par Ukrainu: mēs atbalstām Eiropas bloku, lai tas uzņemtos vadošo lomu efektīvas Eiropas drošības arhitektūras izpētē
U.S. Senator Marco Rubio introduced the U.S.-India Defense Cooperation Act to expand bilateral cooperation as India faces increased aggression from Beijing: statement
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Hungary quietly took out a €1 billion loan from Chinese banks
@NORADCommand employed a layered defense network of fighter aircraft, satellites, and ground-based and airborne radars in seamless interoperability to detect, track, and intercept two Russian TU-95 and two PRC H-6 military aircraft operating in the Alaska ADIZ on July 24, 20241 mēnesis atpakaļ
@NORADCommand employed a layered defense network of fighter aircraft, satellites, and ground-based and airborne radars in seamless interoperability to detect, track, and intercept two Russian TU-95 and two PRC H-6 military aircraft operating in the Alaska ADIZ on July 24, 2024
Trilateral meeting of the foreign ministers of Russia, China and Laos
Fighter jets intercepted Chinese and Russian bombers off the coast of Alaska from China and Russia, the North American Aerospace Defense Command announced Wednesday1 mēnesis atpakaļ
Fighter jets intercepted Chinese and Russian bombers off the coast of Alaska from China and Russia, the North American Aerospace Defense Command announced Wednesday
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Because of Typhoon Gaemi 3 PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC 8) today
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Ukrainas ārlietu ministrs apliecina savas valsts gatavību miera sarunām ar Krieviju, ja Maskava būs gatava sarunām
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Ukrainas ārlietu ministrs Kuleba: šodien mēs rīkosim pamatīgas un saturīgas sarunas par divpusējām attiecībām, starptautisko darba kārtību un ceļu uz mieru. Esmu pārliecināts, ka taisnīgs miers Ukrainā ir Ķīnas stratēģiskās interesēs un Ķīnas kā globāla miera spēka loma ir svarīga.
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Ukrainas ārlietu ministrs Kuļeba, tiekoties ar Ķīnas kolēģi Vanu Ji: Krievijas agresija ir šķērslis ne tikai Ukrainas attīstībai. Tas arī kavē starptautisko stabilitāti un labu kaimiņattiecību attīstību, tostarp tirdzniecības attīstību starp Ķīnu un Eiropu
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The Philippines announces reaching a joint understanding with China to ease tensions in the South China Sea
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Taiwan Ministry of Defense: 22 PLA aircraft, 9 PLAN vessels and 1 official ship operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC 8) today. 12 of the aircraft crossed the median line and entered Taiwan's southwestern ADIZ
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.2 - 33 km SSW of Liupanshui, China
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Ukrainas ārlietu ministrs: Manas vizītes Ķīnā mērķis ir apspriest veidus, kā panākt taisnīgu mieru
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Ukrainas ārlietu ministrs: Kijevai un Pekinai ir svarīgi, lai būtu tiešs dialogs
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European Union Foreign Policy Representative: The Fatah-Hamas agreement in China is a prominent development that must be supported
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Chinese Foreign Ministry: The Beijing Declaration included agreement on the unity of all factions within the framework of the Palestine Liberation Organization
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Chinese Foreign Ministry: We presented a three-step initiative regarding the conflict in Gaza that ends with full membership for Palestine in the United Nations
Hamas says it has signed an agreement in Beijing to work with other Palestinian groups towards “national unity”. Chinese officials said the factions, including Fatah, had agreed to set up an interim reconciliation gov't for post-war Gaza1 mēnesis atpakaļ
Hamas says it has signed an agreement in Beijing to work with other Palestinian groups towards “national unity”. Chinese officials said the factions, including Fatah, had agreed to set up an interim reconciliation gov't for post-war Gaza
1 mēnesis atpakaļ
Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah sign declaration in Beijing on ending yearslong rift, as war in Gaza rages on, Chinese state media says