5 Cotmeh 2024
.@SecBlinken li ser bidawîkirina şerê nedadperwerî yê Rûsyayê li ser Ukraynayê: Ger Çîn pabend be ku piştgiriyê bide bidawîkirina şer li ser bingeha prensîbên Peymana @UN ku di xala yekê ya plana wê de tê xwestin, ew dikare bi @ZelenskyyUa û Ukraynayê re têkildar be. vê bingehê
Blinken: Serdana Serokê Çînê Xi bo Rûsyayê piştî biryara Dadgeha Cezayê ya Navneteweyî nîşan dide ku Pekîn di wê baweriyê de ne ku divê Kremlin ji sûcên ku li Ukraynayê hatine kirin berpirsiyar bipirse.
Qesra Spî: Înîsiyatîfa agirbestê ya Çînê hewldanek e ku dem bide Rûsyayê ji bo destpêkirina êrîşek nû
Pûtîn li Kremlînê bi serokê Çînê Xi Jinping re hevdîtin kir1 year ago
Pûtîn li Kremlînê bi serokê Çînê Xi Jinping re hevdîtin kir
Serokê Çînê Xi Jinping hat Moskovayê1 year ago
Serokê Çînê Xi Jinping hat Moskovayê
China's foreign ministry has warned Chinese nationals in the Central African Republic to avoid traveling to areas outside Bangui and asked Chinese nationals and enterprises in the areas to evacuate timely after nine Chinese nationals were killed in an attack in the country Sunday
Xi Jinping has called on Central African Republic authorities to to "severely punish" perpetrators after 9 Chinese nationals were killed when gunmen stormed a gold mine
1 year ago
Nine Chinese citizens were killed and two injured Sunday in an attack on a gold mine near the city of Bambari in the Central African Republic, the rebel group Coalition of Patriots for Change blames Wagner PMCs - AFP.
1 year ago
Rayedarê Rûsî: Di lûtkeya Pûtîn û Çînê de dê hevkariya leşkerî ya di navbera her du welatan de were gotûbêjkirin
1 year ago
Earthquake of magnitude 5.1 - Eastern Xizang
1 year ago
Xi Jinping will visit Russia on March 20-22 at the invitation of Putin, the Kremlin says
China integrating its military equipment across the Middle East which can hamper the US ability to work with countries in the future, per @CENTCOM's Gen Kurilla "This is a race to integrate before China can penetrate" he says, arguing for more, faster US integration with partners
"Remains to be seen" if Saudi Arabia will hold China accountable if Iran continues to ship weapons to Yemen for use vs KSA, per @CENTCOM's Gen Kurilla
1 year ago
China, Iran and Russia begin naval exercises in the Gulf of Oman, they will last until March 19, - Chinese Ministry of Defense.
1 year ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 263 km SSE of Hotan, China
Ji kiriyarê sereke yê çekan ê Pentagonê tê pirsîn gelo Ukrayna bala rêvebiriya Dewletên Yekbûyî ji Chinaînê digire yan na: "Na, qet nabe." DoD xwedan komên xebatê yên ku ji bo her du pevçûnan hatine veqetandin, misteşarê berevaniyê Bill LaPlante got
Hong Kong national security police arrest 2 men over allegedly possessing seditious publications
"China will once again start issuing a range of visas to foreigners as of Wednesday, the country's Foreign Ministry said, in a major easing of travel restrictions in force since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic
China's President Xi Jinping re-elected to third five-year term as leader
US intelligence chief: China doesn't want military conflict over Taiwan but determined to bring Taiwan under its control
ByteDance's TikTok is introducing measures to ensure greater data protections and local controls for European users, responding to mounting threats by Western governments to ban the app over national security concerns arising from data handling practices
US Director of National Intelligence: Relations between China and Russia are deepening and developing in all fields
World Health Organization: We call on China for more transparency to know the origin of the Coronavirus
Firefighters battle blaze in Hong Kong shopping district
Major fire breaks out in Hong Kong.
Skyscraper under construction on fire in Hong Kong
'Don't send weapons to Russia,' Germany's Scholz urges China
The death toll from a head-on collision between two trains in central #Greece on Tuesday night has increased to 38, while 57 people are still hospitalized, the Greek Fire Service has said on Wednesday
1 year ago
President Marcos and Malaysian Prime Minister Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim have agreed to bring to the Asean territorial disputes in the South China Sea
Lukashenka li Pekînê bi Xi Jinping re hevdîtin kir