19 Îlon 2024
Taiwan Affairs Office of the Chinese Government: We urge adherence to the one-China principle and careful handling of Taiwan issues
Chinese Army: Chinese Navy ships continue to carry out combat exercises around Taiwan Island
@Politico radigihîne ku Çîn û Rûsya di danûstandinên nehênî yên pêşkeftî de bi Îranê re ne ji bo dabînkirina amonyum perchlorate ji aliyê Komara Îslamî ya Îslamî ve, ku ev yek jî dikare alîkariya Moskoyê bike da ku embara mûşekên xwe yên kêmbûyî tijî bike û biryarnameya 2231 binpê bike.
1 year ago
Taiwanese Ministry of Defense: 14 Chinese Air Force aircraft crossed the middle line of the Taiwan Strait in the past 24 hours
1 year ago
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:35 PLA aircraft and 8 PLAN vessels around Taiwan were detected by 6 a.m.(UTC 8) today. R.O.C. Armed Forces have monitored the situation and tasked CAP aircraft, Navy vessels, and land-based missile systems to respond these activities
1 year ago
Taiwanese foreign minister tells @jimsciutto that China is threatening them with war. "We are ready to defend ourselves," he said
Chinese army: We monitor and follow the movements of the US destroyer Milius in the Spratly Islands
New JSDF report on CV-17 Shandong. Carrier has undertaken 120 flight ops over three days, 80 fixed wing, 40 heliborne. Carrier & escorts (054A   901 AOE) remains in a position ca 350 km east of Taiwan.中国海軍艦艇の動向について(CV17発着艦)n1 year ago
New JSDF report on CV-17 Shandong. Carrier has undertaken 120 flight ops over three days, 80 fixed wing, 40 heliborne. Carrier & escorts (054A 901 AOE) remains in a position ca 350 km east of Taiwan.中国海軍艦艇の動向について(CV17発着艦)n
Latest update on aircraft carriers in the waters east of Taiwan, based on newly released information by Japan's Ministry of Defense1 year ago
Latest update on aircraft carriers in the waters east of Taiwan, based on newly released information by Japan's Ministry of Defense
1 year ago
China confirms that planes carrying live ammunition conducted simulated strikes near Taiwan
1 year ago
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:42 PLA aircraft and 8 vessels were detected by 11:00(UTC 8) April 8th. 29 of the detected aircraft had crossed northern, central, and southern median line of the TaiwanStrait and entered our southwest ADIZ, attempting coercion on us
1 year ago
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:PLA's Eastern Theater Command has announced to conduct combat-readiness patrols and joint exercises encircling Taiwan starting today. ROCArmedForces have monitored the situation and responded accordingly with our assets to defend our country
1 year ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - western Xizang
Çavkaniya dîplomatîk a Fransî: Macron ji Xi xwest ku çekan nede Rûsyayê, Xi got ku ev ne şerê wî ye
Macron dibêje ku 'ji bo 'Rûsya ser hişê xwe' bide Xi'
Xi têkiliyên Fransa silav dike ji ber ku cîhan di bin guherînên 'kûr' de derbas dibe: medyaya dewletê
Emmanuel Macron ê Fransayê li Pekînê bi Xi Jinping re hevdîtin kir
Serokê NATOyê Stoltenberg ragihand ku wî serokên dewletên hevkarên Hindo-Pasîfîk vexwendiye ku beşdarî Lûtkeya Vilnius a Tîrmehê bibin. Ev beşek e ji piştgirîkirina li dijî Chinaînê lê di heman demê de zêdekirina piştgiriya leşkerî ji bo Ukraynayê
While NATO has no proof China has provided Russia with lethal aid, says Sec Gen Stoltenberg, any change in that would be a "big mistake." Today's meeting between allies and Asia-Pacific countries aimed to shore up support for this position among non-NATO partners
Macron to the French community in Beijing: We seek balanced economic relations with China
Macron: Diyaloga bi Çînê re pêwîst e û Rûsya nikare bi Pekînê re biaxive
1 year ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 146 km SE of Kuqa, China
1 year ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 100 km SW of Zhaotong, China
1 year ago
Taiwan says 10 Chinese planes crossed the middle line of the Taiwan Strait
Serokwezîrê Spanyayê Pedro Sanchez: Ez spasiya Serok Xi Jinping dikim ji bo pêşwazîkirina wî di vê gera dîrokî de. Ev serdan têkiliyên me yên dualî geştir dike û hevkariyê li ser pirsgirêkên cihêreng ên cîhanî xurt dike. Me her wiha danûstendineke eşkere li ser êrîşa Rûsyayê ya li dijî Ukraynayê kir.
Serokê Komîsyona Yekîtiya Ewropayê: Têkiliyên bi Çînê re wê li gorî berteka wê ya li hemberî geşedanên şerê Ûkraynayê diyar bibe
"Chinese leader Xi Jinping says he is preparing for war. At the annual meeting of China's parliament and its top political advisory body in March, Xi wove the theme of war readiness through four separate speeches
Berdevkê Wezîrê Karên Derve yê Çînê Mao Ning got ku 5 dewletên xwedî çekên nukleerî di Çileya 2022an de daxuyaniyeke hevpar dan li ser pêşîgirtina li şerê nukleerî, dema ku ji bo şîroveyên li ser raporên medyayê yên ku îdîa dikin Rûsya dê çekên nukleerî yên taktîkî li Belarusê bi cih bike got.
China says Japanese national held for espionage. 'This Japanese citizen is suspected of engaging in espionage activities, in violation of the criminal law and the anti-espionage law of the People's Republic of China,' foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said at a press briefing
1 year ago
China is threatening "serious consequences" after the U.S. Navy sailed a destroyer around the disputed Paracel Islands in the South China Sea for the second day in a row, in a move Beijing claims was a violation of its sovereignty and security