5 Listopad 2024
1 godine pre
Earthquake of magnitude 5.2 - 35 km S of Kangding, China
Europski parlament zabranjuje korištenje TikToka na telefonima zaposlenika i najavljuje odluku uskoro
Not just Russia - @CISAJen says cyber threats also exist from China Iran and others Warns of potential cyber fallout for the US if China decides to invade Taiwan
Chinese army: We strongly oppose the flight of an American fighter over the Taiwan Strait
Kinesko ministarstvo vanjskih poslova: Želimo održati otvorene kontakte s Ukrajinom
Reuters: "China says it is not aware of drone purchase talks between Russia and Chinese company"
Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenka will pay a state visit 'at the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping', the Chinese foreign ministry said. The state visit to China will go from February 28 to March 2, spokesperson Hua Chunying said
Kina kaže da se nuklearno oružje 'ne smije koristiti' u sukobu u Ukrajini
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:37 PLA aircraft and 6 PLAN vessels around Taiwan were detected by 6 a.m.(UTC+8) today. R.O.C. Armed Forces have monitored the situation and tasked CAP aircraft, Navy vessels, and land-based missile systems to respond these activities1 godine pre
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:37 PLA aircraft and 6 PLAN vessels around Taiwan were detected by 6 a.m.(UTC+8) today. R.O.C. Armed Forces have monitored the situation and tasked CAP aircraft, Navy vessels, and land-based missile systems to respond these activities
Kina poziva Rusiju i Ukrajinu da nastave pregovore i postignu 'mirno rješenje'
Chinese Defense: Our nuclear forces will remain at a minimum level in accordance with national security requirements
Kinesko ministarstvo vanjskih poslova: Izvještaji o namjeri Pekinga da pošalje oružje Rusiji samo su nagađanja i klevetnička kampanja
The European Commission is banning TikTok from corporate devices and personal devices using corporate apps. EU officials are told to disinstall the social media ASAP and no later than by 15 March to protect data and prevent cyber threats
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Kineski visoki diplomat Wang Yi sastao se s Putinom u Moskvi
Kineski ministar vanjskih poslova Wang Yi sastao se u Moskvi s ruskim ministrom vanjskih poslova Sergejem Lavrovom1 godine pre
Kineski ministar vanjskih poslova Wang Yi sastao se u Moskvi s ruskim ministrom vanjskih poslova Sergejem Lavrovom
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Kineski prvi diplomat Wang Yi sastao se sa šefom ruskog Vijeća sigurnosti Nikolajem Patruševim, a kinesko Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova kaže da su razgovarali o situaciji u Ukrajini, bez dodatnih detalja
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:11 PLA aircraft and 2 PLAN vessels around Taiwan were detected by 6 a.m.(UTC+8) today. R.O.C. Armed Forces have monitored the situation and tasked CAP aircraft, Navy vessels, and land-based missile systems to respond these activities1 godine pre
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:11 PLA aircraft and 2 PLAN vessels around Taiwan were detected by 6 a.m.(UTC+8) today. R.O.C. Armed Forces have monitored the situation and tasked CAP aircraft, Navy vessels, and land-based missile systems to respond these activities
Borrell: Kineska opskrba Rusije oružjem bila bi "crvena linija" za Europsku uniju
1 godine pre
Blinken: Kina je shvatila rizike nastavka pružanja vojne pomoći Rusiji
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Blinken: Sa zabrinutošću pratimo kinesku vojnu pomoć Rusiji
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China's top diplomat arrives in Moscow for talks amid US warnings over sending weapons to Russia
Chinese Foreign Ministry: Our position on North Korea's missile tests has not changed
Chinese Foreign Ministry: We are concerned about North Korea launching ballistic missiles
1 godine pre
Hong Kong protests: IT engineer gets 40 months' jail for transport of more than 24kg of flammable chemicals in foiled 2021 bomb plot
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:6 PLA aircraft and 4 PLAN vessels around Taiwan were detected by 6 a.m.(UTC+8) today. R.O.C. Armed Forces have monitored the situation and tasked CAP aircraft, Navy vessels and land-based missile systems to respond these activities1 godine pre
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:6 PLA aircraft and 4 PLAN vessels around Taiwan were detected by 6 a.m.(UTC+8) today. R.O.C. Armed Forces have monitored the situation and tasked CAP aircraft, Navy vessels and land-based missile systems to respond these activities
1 godine pre
Američki državni tajnik Antony Blinken u nedjelju je optužio Kinu da "razmatra pružanje smrtonosne potpore" Rusiji u njezinom ratu protiv Ukrajine, u rasponu "od streljiva do samog oružja
1 godine pre
Secretary of State Antony Blinken sat down with China's top diplomat Wang Yi on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference today in the first in-person meeting between the two nations since an uproar over an alleged spy balloon dramatically worsened US-China ties
On Taiwan: @DeputySecState told an audience at @BrookingsInst "We will keep working to preserve peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. We remain committed to our long-standing one China policy and oppose any unilateral shifts to the cross Strait status quo
"Nastavit ćemo upozoravati NR Kinu da ne pruža vojnu potporu Rusiji u ratu u Ukrajini i da se obračunava s entitetima NR Kine koji se bave štetnim aktivnostima", rekao je @DeputySecState
Significant portion of Chinese balloon spy equipment recovered, US official says