5 Listopad 2024
2 mjesec pre
Na poligonu u Brestu počela je aktivna faza zajedničkih vježbi bjeloruske i kineske vojske
2 mjesec pre
US Navy: The US and Philippine Coast Guards conducted a bilateral search and rescue exercise in the South China Sea on July 16.
Bloomberg: Would you defend Taiwan against China? Trump: No
2 mjesec pre
Šef mađarskog ministarstva vanjskih poslova rekao je da očekuje susret s Lavrovom na marginama Vijeća sigurnosti UN-a; ujutro je telefonski razgovarao sa šefom kineskog ministarstva vanjskih poslova
2 mjesec pre
Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Andrei Bulyga, held talks with his Chinese counterpart, Major General Zhang Fan - Ministry of Defense
China, Russia start joint naval drills, days after NATO allies called Beijing a Ukraine war enabler
2 mjesec pre
China renews the call for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip
China-Taiwan: "An invasion or a PRC act of aggression is neither imminent nor inevitable" per Assistant Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs @ASD_IndoPacific Ely Ratner at @CSIS "But we've got a lot of work to do to keep it that way" he adds "We are working with allies like never before ."
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German Federal government bans Huawei and ZTE technology from China in 5G mobile networks here
Bijela kuća: Kina podržava ruski rat u Ukrajini
Kineski predsjednik: Rani prekid vatre i političko rješenje u Ukrajini služili bi interesima svih strana
Mađarski premijer iz Pekinga: Kina je glavna sila u stvaranju uvjeta za mir u rusko-ukrajinskom ratu
Philippine Army Commander: The United States offered us support in the South China Sea operations
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Međunarodna zajednica trebala bi poduzeti mjere kako bi se zaštitila od opasnosti od širenja izraelskih napada na Palestinu ili rusko-ukrajinskog rata, rekao turski predsjednik kineskom kolegi
Erdogan meets Chinese President Xi Jinping on the sidelines of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit in Kazakhstan for the first time since 20223 mjesec pre
Erdogan meets Chinese President Xi Jinping on the sidelines of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit in Kazakhstan for the first time since 2022
3 mjesec pre
Xi Jinping at the SCO summit called on the association countries to increase the exchange of intelligence data
The European Union has carried out its threat to impose provisional tariffs on imports of electric cars from China of up to 37.6%, according to the bloc's Official Journal
3 mjesec pre
Chinese President: The Shanghai Cooperation Organization stands on the right side of history, fairness and justice
Putin begins negotiations with Xi Jinping.3 mjesec pre
Putin begins negotiations with Xi Jinping.
China announces unusual military exercises in the South China Sea near Hainan Island3 mjesec pre
China announces unusual military exercises in the South China Sea near Hainan Island
China expands electronic eavesdropping stations in Cuba, according to satellite Images shared with WSJ
3 mjesec pre
Stupa na snagu Sporazum o slobodnoj trgovini Srbije i Kine
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:6 PLA aircraft and 7 PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC 8) today. 2 helicopters entered Taiwan's southwestern and southeastern ADIZ. ROCArmedForces have monitored the situation and responded accordingly3 mjesec pre
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:6 PLA aircraft and 7 PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC 8) today. 2 helicopters entered Taiwan's southwestern and southeastern ADIZ. ROCArmedForces have monitored the situation and responded accordingly
June 30:  commercial aerospace company Space Pioneer (天兵科技) tested the first stage of its Tianlong-3 (天龙三号) launch vehicle at its integrated test center at Gongyi (巩义), Henan, but the testing ended in failure when, about 50 seconds after liftoff, the rocket stage crashed into the mountains, 1.5km from the test center, and exploded3 mjesec pre
June 30: commercial aerospace company Space Pioneer (天兵科技) tested the first stage of its Tianlong-3 (天龙三号) launch vehicle at its integrated test center at Gongyi (巩义), Henan, but the testing ended in failure when, about 50 seconds after liftoff, the rocket stage crashed into the mountains, 1.5km from the test center, and exploded
Xi Jinping will pay a state visit to Kazakhstan and Tajikistan on July 2-6 - Chinese Foreign Ministry
Former Chinese defence minister expelled from Communist Party: state media
3 mjesec pre
The Taiwan government lifts its travel warning to China and advises its citizens not to travel unless absolutely necessary
3 mjesec pre
Lavrov: Planiramo ponoviti sastanke u formatu Rusija-Indija-Kina
For 5 days in a row, 4 Chinese Coast Guard ships have repeatedly entered the 12-mile territorial limit around Japan's Senkaku islands.  CCG drove away & expelled Japanese patrol boats & have been spotted sailing within Japan's EEZ for 186 days straight, the longest record ever3 mjesec pre
For 5 days in a row, 4 Chinese Coast Guard ships have repeatedly entered the 12-mile territorial limit around Japan's Senkaku islands. CCG "drove away & expelled" Japanese patrol boats & have been spotted sailing within Japan's EEZ for 186 days straight, the longest record ever
3 mjesec pre
Palestinian officials: Postponing the talks between the Fatah and Hamas movements in China without setting a new date