19 September 2024
1 vecka sedan
PLAN WARSHIP SPOTTED: People's Liberation Army Navy ( PLAN ) Type 053H1G Jianghu-V Class Light Frigate were spotted sailing and loitering near to Malaysia Oil Rig Velesto NAGA 4 at Sarawak. The sightings of PLAN warship occurred yesterday evening
När det gäller kinesiskt militärt stöd till Ryssland för Ukraina, säger CIA-chefen att varken han eller @ChiefMI6 har sett "direkta bevis" på tillhandahållandet av vapen och ammunition till Moskva för Ukrainas krig. "Men vi ser många saker bara kortare än det" - teknologier med dubbla användningsområden som har hjälpt ryska styrkor att återuppbygga
USA varnar för ökade inflytandeoperationer med 60 dagar kvar till valet 2024 Ryssland "det mest aktiva hotet om utländskt inflytande" enligt nyss släppt underrättelsebedömning Iran "gör en större ansträngning. Flersidigt tillvägagångssätt" Kina fokuserade på tävlingar om valsedlar.
Al-Burhan to Chinese President: Sudan looks forward to working with China to build a strategic partnership that benefits the people of both countries
Bloomberg: The United States has imposed new restrictions on exports related to technology and chips to China
Natos generalsekreterare: Kina har blivit en avgörande faktor för att möjliggöra Rysslands krig mot Ukraina
Sudan's army chief Burhan is taking advantage of his trip to China to meet with numerous Chinese arms companies. Number three on the list: China POLY Group. Its subsidiary POLY Technologies deals with missiles and various other military products
Somalia confirmed its support for Raila Odinga, the Kenyan candidate for the African Union Commission (AUC) chairmanship, during a meeting in Beijing, China, between Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Kenyan President William Ruto. This endorsement was part of broader discussions and diplomatic engagements at the China-Africa summit, highlighting the regional backing for Odinga's candidacy ahead of the AUC elections scheduled for February 2025
13 PLA aircraft, 8 PLAN vessels and 2 official ships operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC+8) today. 7 of the aircraft crossed the median line and entered Taiwan's southwestern and eastern ADIZ2 vecka sedan
13 PLA aircraft, 8 PLAN vessels and 2 official ships operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC+8) today. 7 of the aircraft crossed the median line and entered Taiwan's southwestern and eastern ADIZ
The gas pipeline project from Russia to China via Mongolia is currently undergoing state examination - Putin
2 vecka sedan
Russia and China have officially recorded their renunciation of any territorial claims, - the Russian Foreign Ministry reported, commenting on the statement by Taiwanese President, Lai Qingde, that China should take away lands in the Far East from Russia.
2 vecka sedan
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:19 PLA aircraft, 8 PLAN vessels and 1 official ships operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC 8) today. 16 of the aircraft crossed the median line and entered Taiwan's northern, southwestern and eastern ADIZ
2 vecka sedan
If China's claims on Taiwan are about territorial integrity then it should also take back land from Russia signed over by the last Chinese dynasty in the 19th century, Taiwan President Lai Ching-te said in an interview with Taiwanese media
South China Sea: Chinese Coast Guard vessel deliberately and intentionally rammed the BRP Teresa Magbanua of Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) three times at Escoda Shoal2 vecka sedan
South China Sea: Chinese Coast Guard vessel "deliberately and intentionally" rammed the BRP Teresa Magbanua of Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) three times at Escoda Shoal
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Vietnam, Philippines sign defense pact amid China military tensions
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Taiwan Ministry of Defense:25 PLA aircraft, 7 PLAN vessels and 2 official ships operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC 8) today. 17 of the aircraft crossed the median line and entered Taiwan's northern, central, southwestern, and southeastern ADIZ
3 vecka sedan
China's UN Security Council Representative: China Condemns Israeli Military Operation in West Bank
3 vecka sedan
An anonymous Taiwanese national security official told Central News Agency that China is actively targeting young Taiwanese people heading to China for the first time and reminding Taiwanese people of the wide range of risks they might encounter in China
Sullivan från Peking: Kina säger att de stöder ett fredligt slut på Ukrainas krig
Sullivan från Peking: Vi har verkliga meningsskiljaktigheter med Kina om kriget i Ukraina
Sullivan: Jag diskuterade Sydkinesiska havet och kriget i Ukraina i Peking
White House: Chinese President, Jake Sullivan welcomed keeping lines of communication open, discussed arranging a call between the two countries' presidents
Reuters, citing a US official: Sullivan raised the issue of China's violation of Japanese airspace on Monday during his meetings in Beijing
Sullivan to Xi: Biden stressed his desire not to turn competition with China into conflict
3 vecka sedan
A Hong Kong court convicts two former editors of a shuttered news outlet, in a sedition case that is widely seen as a barometer for the future of media freedom in the city once hailed as a bastion of free press in Asia
Chinese President to Sullivan: Beijing's commitment to stable, sound and sustainable development of China-US relations remains unchanged
Chinese President: In this changing and turbulent world, countries need solidarity and coordination, not exclusion
Chinese President: China committed to stable relationship based on win-win cooperation
Reuters: Chinese President meets US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan in Beijing
The Philippines has started soliciting offers as it plans to procure 40 new multi-role fighter aircraft to boost its territorial defence, the defence minister said