4 Juli 2024
11 maand geleden
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 209 km NNE of Shi Yomi, India
11 maand geleden
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 211 km NNE of Shi Yomi, India
11 maand geleden
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - Eastern Xizang
11 maand geleden
Earthquake of magnitude 5.0 - 205 km NNE of Shi Yomi, India
11 maand geleden
China's top legislature voted to appoint Wang Yi as foreign minister and Pan Gongsheng as central bank governor, as it convened a session on Tuesday
11 maand geleden
Chinese foreign minister Qin Gang removed from office: state media
Politico: U.S. invited China and Russia to attend a ministerial meeting on food security during the APEC Forum in August
Het gebouw van het consulaat-generaal van China in Odessa werd beschadigd als gevolg van een Russische aanval11 maand geleden
Het gebouw van het consulaat-generaal van China in Odessa werd beschadigd als gevolg van een Russische aanval
11 maand geleden
President Zelensky: graan vernietigd in Odessa was bedoeld voor China
11 maand geleden
A Sr. State Department official tells reporters that Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang did not attend ASEAN in Indonesia due to an unspecified "health issue"; SecState Blinken met instead with Wang Yi
11 maand geleden
German strategy: China's decision to expand its relations with Russia has immediate security implications for Germany
11 maand geleden
Russian Foreign Minister: The goal of the Indo-Pacific strategy is to act against Russia and China
Presidential Envoy ⁦John Kerry heads to Beijing July 16-19 for meetings with Chinese officials about the climate crisis; he’ll be the third Biden cabinet member to visit in recent weeks. CIA Director Burns was the 1st US official to visit before Blinken & Yellen
11 maand geleden
Kremlin zegt dat westerse veiligheidsgaranties voor Oekraïne "gevaarlijk" zijn voor Rusland, voegt eraan toe dat een bezoek van Poetin aan China op de agenda staat
11 maand geleden
Chinese Embassy in London: Britain suppresses Chinese companies and we strongly oppose its discriminatory measures
NATO summit statement: China seeks to control vital industrial and technological sectors
11 maand geleden
Russisch ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken: de betrekkingen tussen Moskou en Peking zijn verder gegaan dan het model van de militair-politieke alliantie in de Koude Oorlog
Chinese hackers maken inbreuk op e-mailaccounts van de overheid via de Microsoft-cloud. USG ontdekte het beveiligingslek vorige maand, zeggen functionarissen
11 maand geleden
The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirms that its foreign minister did not attend the meetings of the "ASEAN" countries and says that the matter is due to health reasons
12 maand geleden
Chinese State Council: We hope to restore relations with the United States to the right track
12 maand geleden
The Pentagon holds a strategic stockpile for germanium but currently has no inventory reserves for gallium, a spokesperson said on Thursday after China announced export restrictions on the two metals used in semiconductors
1 jaar geleden
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 42 km W of Qarek, China
1 jaar geleden
Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy Nikolai Evmenov met with Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu
1 jaar geleden
Chinese militaire delegatie besprak in Groot-Brittannië en Frankrijk de ontwikkeling van defensiesamenwerking – China ministerie van Defensie
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:11 PLA aircraft and 4 PLAN vessels around Taiwan were detected by 6 a.m.(UTC 8) today. R.O.C. Armed Forces have monitored the situation and tasked CAP aircraft, Navy vessels, and land-based missile systems to respond these activities1 jaar geleden
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:11 PLA aircraft and 4 PLAN vessels around Taiwan were detected by 6 a.m.(UTC 8) today. R.O.C. Armed Forces have monitored the situation and tasked CAP aircraft, Navy vessels, and land-based missile systems to respond these activities
1 jaar geleden
Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang met with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Rudenko in Beijing on Sunday, they exchanged views on China Russia relations, global & regional issues of common concerns
1 jaar geleden
The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Biden's description of President Xi as a dictator: a violation of China's sovereignty and dignity and a political provocation
US President Joe Biden equated his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping with "dictators" on Tuesday as he addressed a Democratic Party donors reception in California in the presence of journalists
1 jaar geleden
Chinese Premier Li Qiang meets German Chancellor Olaf Scholz ahead of the seventh China-Germany inter-governmental consultation. Latest from Qiang's trip where he called for “de-risking” decisions to be taken by companies rather than governments
1 jaar geleden
Biden: US-China relations are on the right track