19 Syyskuu 2024
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 274 km NNE of Saga, China
Reuters eurooppalaisiin lähteisiin viitaten: Venäjä aloitti viime vuonna uuden pitkän kantaman hyökkäysdroneen, Garpia-A1, tuotannon kiinalaisilla moottoreilla ja osilla
Chinese foreign ministry says Front-line armies of India, China have realized disengagement in four areas in the Western sector of the China-India border, including the Galwan Valley5 päivä sitten
Chinese foreign ministry says Front-line armies of India, China have "realized disengagement in four areas" in the Western sector of the China-India border, including the Galwan Valley
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Yhdysvaltain turvallisuusneuvoston apulaissuurlähettiläs: Kiina auttaa Venäjää sen sodassa Ukrainaa vastaan
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Pakistan PM: Saudi Arabia, China, UAE helped us get IMF program
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - western Xizang
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 297 km S of Aqqan, China
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China's Foreign Ministry opposes German ships' passage through Taiwan Strait, calls it 'provocation and escalation'
German frigate Baden-Württemberg and replenishment ship Frankfurt am Main are about to transit the Taiwan Strait today6 päivä sitten
German frigate Baden-Württemberg and replenishment ship Frankfurt am Main are about to transit the Taiwan Strait today
Putin tapaa Kiinan ulkoministerin Wang Yin Konstantinuksen palatsissa. Ministeri saapui Pietariin turvallisuusasioita valvovien BRICS-edustajien kokoukseen.6 päivä sitten
Putin tapaa Kiinan ulkoministerin Wang Yin Konstantinuksen palatsissa. Ministeri saapui Pietariin turvallisuusasioita valvovien BRICS-edustajien kokoukseen.
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Made 'some progress" on border talks with China. 75% of disengagement problems over says EAM Dr S Jaishankar
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India China have complex relationship, says EAM Dr S Jaishankar at an address in Geneva
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Zelensky: Kiinan ja Brasilian rauhanehdotus on "tuhoisa", ei muuta kuin "poliittinen lausunto"
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China warns it will “crush” any foreign interference in Southern China Sea
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Taiwan Ministry of Defense:29 PLA aircraft, 8 PLAN vessels and 1 official ships operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC 8) today. 20 of the aircraft crossed the median line and entered Taiwan's northern, central and southwestern ADIZ
China conducted the 2-day amphibious exercise featured a brigade-sized joint landing force and took place 350km west of Taiwan. PLA aircraft, warships, helicopters, drones, armored vehicles, and civilian ferries (loaded with  ground forces) participated1 viikko sitten
China conducted the 2-day amphibious exercise featured a brigade-sized joint landing force and took place 350km west of Taiwan. PLA aircraft, warships, helicopters, drones, armored vehicles, and "civilian" ferries (loaded with ground forces) participated
Peking antaa Moskovalle "erittäin huomattavaa" apua sotakoneistonsa vahvistamiseksi, ja vastineeksi Venäjä luovuttaa tiukasti vartioitua sotilastekniikkaansa sukellusveneissä ja ohjuksissa, Yhdysvaltain apulaisulkoministeri Kurt Campbell sanoi.
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Taiwan says a Mirage-2000 has crashed near Hsinchu county during a night time exercise. The cause of the crash is still unknown. nThe pilot ejected successfully and search and rescue operations are currently underway. Military suspects the plane might of lost power
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Putin says naval maneuvers with China are the largest since the fall of the USSR
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@INDOPACOM chief Adm. Paparo held a video teleconference Monday with Gen. Wu Yanan, the commander of the People's Liberation Army's Southern Theater Command. The call was a deliverable from the bilat between @POTUS and Chinese President Xi Jinping
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Kiinan presidentti: Peking jatkaa rauhan, vuoropuhelun edistämistä, roolinsa poliittisen ratkaisun löytämisessä Ukrainan kriisiin
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Taiwan Ministry of Defense:21 PLA aircraft, 7 PLAN vessels and 1 official ships operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC 8) today. 16 of the aircraft crossed the median line and entered Taiwan's northern, central, southwestern, and eastern ADIZ
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PLAN WARSHIP SPOTTED: People's Liberation Army Navy ( PLAN ) Type 053H1G Jianghu-V Class Light Frigate were spotted sailing and loitering near to Malaysia Oil Rig Velesto NAGA 4 at Sarawak. The sightings of PLAN warship occurred yesterday evening
Kiinan sotilaallisesta tuesta Venäjälle Ukrainalle CIA:n johtaja sanoo, etteivät hän tai @ChiefMI6 ole nähneet "suoraa näyttöä" aseiden ja ammusten toimittamisesta Moskovaan Ukrainan sotaa varten. "Mutta me näemme paljon asioita, jotka ovat vain sen ulkopuolella" - kaksikäyttötekniikkaa, joka on auttanut Venäjän joukkoja jälleenrakentamaan
Yhdysvallat varoittaa lisääntyneistä vaikutusmahdollisuuksista, kun vaaleihin 2024 on jäljellä 60 päivää Venäjä "aktiivisin ulkomainen vaikutusuhka" juuri julkaistun tiedusteluarvion mukaan Iran "ponnistelee enemmän. Monitahoinen lähestymistapa" Kiina keskittyi alennusäänestykseen
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Al-Burhan to Chinese President: Sudan looks forward to working with China to build a strategic partnership that benefits the people of both countries
Bloomberg: The United States has imposed new restrictions on exports related to technology and chips to China
Naton pääsihteeri: Kiinasta on tullut ratkaiseva tekijä, joka mahdollistaa Venäjän sodan Ukrainaa vastaan
Sudan's army chief Burhan is taking advantage of his trip to China to meet with numerous Chinese arms companies. Number three on the list: China POLY Group. Its subsidiary POLY Technologies deals with missiles and various other military products1 viikko sitten
Sudan's army chief Burhan is taking advantage of his trip to China to meet with numerous Chinese arms companies. Number three on the list: China POLY Group. Its subsidiary POLY Technologies deals with missiles and various other military products
Somalia confirmed its support for Raila Odinga, the Kenyan candidate for the African Union Commission (AUC) chairmanship, during a meeting in Beijing, China, between Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Kenyan President William Ruto. This endorsement was part of broader discussions and diplomatic engagements at the China-Africa summit, highlighting the regional backing for Odinga's candidacy ahead of the AUC elections scheduled for February 20251 viikko sitten
Somalia confirmed its support for Raila Odinga, the Kenyan candidate for the African Union Commission (AUC) chairmanship, during a meeting in Beijing, China, between Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Kenyan President William Ruto. This endorsement was part of broader discussions and diplomatic engagements at the China-Africa summit, highlighting the regional backing for Odinga's candidacy ahead of the AUC elections scheduled for February 2025