4 جولای 2024
World Health Organization: We call on China for more transparency to know the origin of the Coronavirus
Firefighters battle blaze in Hong Kong shopping district
Major fire breaks out in Hong Kong.
Skyscraper under construction on fire in Hong Kong
'Don't send weapons to Russia,' Germany's Scholz urges China
The death toll from a head-on collision between two trains in central #Greece on Tuesday night has increased to 38, while 57 people are still hospitalized, the Greek Fire Service has said on Wednesday
1 year ago
President Marcos and Malaysian Prime Minister Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim have agreed to bring to the Asean territorial disputes in the South China Sea
لوکاشنکا با شی جین پینگ در پکن دیدار کرد
1 year ago
Oil extended gains for a second session on Wednesday after a strong jump in manufacturing in China, the world's top crude importer, boosted the outlook for global fuel demand
1 year ago
Earthquake of magnitude 5.2 - 35 km S of Kangding, China
پارلمان اروپا استفاده از TikTok در تلفن های کارمندان را ممنوع کرده و به زودی این تصمیم را اعلام می کند
Not just Russia - @CISAJen says cyber threats also exist from China Iran and others Warns of potential cyber fallout for the US if China decides to invade Taiwan
Chinese army: We strongly oppose the flight of an American fighter over the Taiwan Strait
وزارت خارجه چین: ما مشتاقیم که تماس ها با اوکراین را باز نگه داریم
Reuters: "China says it is not aware of drone purchase talks between Russia and Chinese company"
Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenka will pay a state visit 'at the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping', the Chinese foreign ministry said. The state visit to China will go from February 28 to March 2, spokesperson Hua Chunying said
چین می گوید در درگیری های اوکراین از سلاح هسته ای نباید استفاده شود
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:37 PLA aircraft and 6 PLAN vessels around Taiwan were detected by 6 a.m.(UTC+8) today. R.O.C. Armed Forces have monitored the situation and tasked CAP aircraft, Navy vessels, and land-based missile systems to respond these activities1 year ago
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:37 PLA aircraft and 6 PLAN vessels around Taiwan were detected by 6 a.m.(UTC+8) today. R.O.C. Armed Forces have monitored the situation and tasked CAP aircraft, Navy vessels, and land-based missile systems to respond these activities
چین از روسیه و اوکراین خواست تا گفتگوها را از سر بگیرند و به "حل و فصل صلح آمیز" برسند
Chinese Defense: Our nuclear forces will remain at a minimum level in accordance with national security requirements
وزارت خارجه چین: گزارش‌ها در مورد قصد پکن برای ارسال تسلیحات به روسیه فقط حدس و گمان و یک کمپین بدنامی است.
The European Commission is banning TikTok from corporate devices and personal devices using corporate apps. EU officials are told to disinstall the social media ASAP and no later than by 15 March to protect data and prevent cyber threats
1 year ago
وانگ یی، دیپلمات ارشد چینی در مسکو با پوتین دیدار کرد
وانگ یی وزیر امور خارجه چین با سرگئی لاوروف وزیر امور خارجه روسیه در مسکو دیدار کرد1 year ago
وانگ یی وزیر امور خارجه چین با سرگئی لاوروف وزیر امور خارجه روسیه در مسکو دیدار کرد
1 year ago
وانگ یی، دیپلمات ارشد چین با نیکولای پاتروشف، رئیس شورای امنیت روسیه دیدار کرد و وزارت امور خارجه چین می گوید که آنها در مورد وضعیت اوکراین بدون ارائه جزئیات بیشتر گفتگو کردند.
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:11 PLA aircraft and 2 PLAN vessels around Taiwan were detected by 6 a.m.(UTC+8) today. R.O.C. Armed Forces have monitored the situation and tasked CAP aircraft, Navy vessels, and land-based missile systems to respond these activities1 year ago
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:11 PLA aircraft and 2 PLAN vessels around Taiwan were detected by 6 a.m.(UTC+8) today. R.O.C. Armed Forces have monitored the situation and tasked CAP aircraft, Navy vessels, and land-based missile systems to respond these activities
بورل: عرضه تسلیحات چین به روسیه یک "خط قرمز" برای اتحادیه اروپا خواهد بود
1 year ago
بلینکن: چین خطرات ادامه کمک های نظامی به روسیه را درک کرده است
1 year ago
بلینکن: ما با نگرانی کمک نظامی چین به روسیه را دنبال می کنیم
1 year ago
China's top diplomat arrives in Moscow for talks amid US warnings over sending weapons to Russia