Earthquake of magnitude 5.9 - 45 km W of Linqiong, China
The Chinese Foreign Ministry "strongly" condemns the US-New Zealand joint statement accusing China of threatening security in the Pacific region
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:3 PLA aircrafts (Y-8 EW and J-16*2) entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on May 31, 2022
Taiwan: 39 Chinese military aircraft violated our airspace
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:30 PLA aircrafts (KJ-500 AEW&C*2, Y-8 ELINT*4, Y-8 EW*1, Y-8 ASW*1, J-16*6, J-11*8, J-10*4, SU-35*2, and SU-30*2) entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on May 30, 2022
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:5 PLA aircrafts (SU-30*4 and Y-8 ASW*1) entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on May 29, 2022
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:7 PLA aircrafts (SU-30 and J-16*6) entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on May 28, 2022
Beijing: Blinken's speech on China's threat to international order a 'discredit'
The Pentagon: China continues military cooperation with Russia despite the brutal war in Ukraine
New York State Police will enhance their visibility at schools out of an abundance of caution, with more check-ins to be conducted by both uniform and plainclothes staff
2 year agoChina "intends to become a top-tier fighting force with global reach" and the "world's leading power," according to @SecBlinken
"China is the only country with both the intent to reshape the international order – and, increasingly, the economic, diplomatic, military, and technological power to do it," says @SecBlinken
2 year agoIn address to @AsiaSociety, @SecBlinken "we must defend and reform the rules-based international order
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 84 km N of Nagqu, China
Chinese Foreign Minister visits Solomon Islands and says it is a true and reliable partner
US-China-Taiwan: @StateDeptSpox Price says @SecBlinken is set to deliver a major speech on Thursday on US policy towards China. Price says the next 10 years will be decisive in the competition between Washington and Beijing
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:4 PLA aircrafts (J-10*2 and J-16*2) entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on May 25, 2022
China announced on military drills near Taiwan, says its a warning to the US
The recent joint military exercises between Russia & China demonstrates that their "no limits partnership is alive and well," says @StateDeptSpox
2 year agoTrove of files obtained by hacking into Xinjiang police / re-education camp computers contain first-ever image material from inside camps
On Biden and Taiwan, a source familiar with the president's thinking tells there is *no* new US-Taiwan policy. When the president said the US would intervene "militarily", he meant providing weapons, not deploying US forces - consistent with the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:One PLA Y-8 ASW entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on May 23, 2022
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:One PLA aircraft (Y-8 ASW) entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on May 21, 2022
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:14 PLA aircraft (KJ-500 AEW&C, Y-8 EW, H-6*3, J-16*5 and J-11*4) entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on May 20, 2022
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 74 km E of Kangding, China
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:7 PLA aircrafts (Y-8 EW, H-6, J-16*4, and SU-30) entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on May 19, 2022
A US citizen and four officials from the China Ministry of State Security charged in a federal indictment with conspiracy and other charges related to an espionage and transnational repression scheme, announces @TheJusticeDept
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:4 PLA aircraft (Y-8 RECCE, Y-8 EW and J-16*2) entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on May 18, 2022
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:One PLA Y-8 RECCE entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on May 17, 2022
2 year agoChina: 10 people were killed on Monday after a pickup truck plunged into a river in Shaoguan city, south China's Guangdong province