7 Července 2024
The presidents of four Central Asian countries received an invitation to visit the People's Republic of China from its President Xi Jinping. Invitations were received by the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, as well as the heads of Kazakhstan Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, Kyrgyzstan - Sadyr Japarov and Tajikistan - Emomali Rahmon. They are expected to visit China from May 16 to 20
Five China maritime militia ships appear to have interrupted their deployment to the Spratlys and turned directly into the path of the 7-ship ASEAN-India Maritime Exercise formation
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 18 km S of Bowangshan, China
Chinese Foreign Ministry: NATO's continued eastward expansion in the Asia-Pacific region requires high vigilance from the countries of the region
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.0 - Sichuan-Guizhou border region, China
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - Sichuan-Guizhou border region, China
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 9 km SE of Bowangshan, China
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 15 km W of Bonan, China
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.3 - 25 km WSW of Bonan, China
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Taiwan Ministry of Defense:38 PLA aircraft and 6 PLAN vessels around Taiwan were detected by 6 a.m.(UTC 8) today. R.O.C. Armed Forces have monitored the situation and tasked CAP aircraft, Navy vessels, and land-based missile systems to respond these activities
China warns US, South Korea against 'provoking confrontation' with North Korea
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Prezident Zelenskij: Měl jsem dlouhý a smysluplný telefonát s prezidentem Si Ťin-pchingem. Věřím, že tato výzva, stejně jako jmenování ukrajinského velvyslance v Číně, dá silný impuls k rozvoji našich bilaterálních vztahů
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Si Ťin-pching telefonoval s prezidentem Zelenským
Russia, China and Iran state media seeing growth on Twitter. Multiple accounts "began to gain followers after months of decline or stagnation" after apparent decision by Twitter to stop filtering them, per @DFRLab analysis
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Taiwan says tracking chinese carrier off its southeast coast
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Taiwan Ministry of Defense:13 PLA aircraft and 3 PLAN vessels around Taiwan were detected by 6 a.m.(UTC 8) today. R.O.C. Armed Forces have monitored the situation and tasked CAP aircraft, Navy vessels, and land-based missile systems to respond these activities
"China can play a spoiler in this" @USForcesKorea Commander Gen Paul LaCamera tells SASC re DPRK nukes. Right now, China Russia "continue to work against the things that we're trying to do to maintain peace & stability"
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Ruský ministr obrany Šojgu se v Moskvě setkal s čínským protějškem
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Chinese media: Beijing conducted missile exercises in the Xinjiang region
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Taiwan Ministry of Defense:4 PLA aircraft and 8 PLAN vessels around Taiwan were detected by 6 a.m.(UTC 8) today. R.O.C. Armed Forces have monitored the situation and tasked CAP aircraft, Navy vessels, and land-based missile systems to respond these activities
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Taiwan Ministry of Defense:26 PLA aircraft and 7 PLAN vessels around Taiwan were detected by 6 a.m.(UTC 8) today. R.O.C. Armed Forces have monitored the situation and tasked CAP aircraft, Navy vessels, and land-based missile systems to respond these activities
Taiwan Affairs Office of the Chinese Government: We urge adherence to the one-China principle and careful handling of Taiwan issues
Chinese Army: Chinese Navy ships continue to carry out combat exercises around Taiwan Island
@Politico hlásí, že Čína a Rusko pokročily v tajných rozhovorech s Íránem o doplnění zásob chloristanu amonného do Islámské republiky, což by také mohlo pomoci Moskvě doplnit její vyčerpané zásoby raket a porušilo by to rezoluci Rady bezpečnosti OSN 2231
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Taiwanese Ministry of Defense: 14 Chinese Air Force aircraft crossed the middle line of the Taiwan Strait in the past 24 hours
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Taiwan Ministry of Defense:35 PLA aircraft and 8 PLAN vessels around Taiwan were detected by 6 a.m.(UTC 8) today. R.O.C. Armed Forces have monitored the situation and tasked CAP aircraft, Navy vessels, and land-based missile systems to respond these activities
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Taiwanese foreign minister tells @jimsciutto that China is threatening them with war. "We are ready to defend ourselves," he said
Chinese army: We monitor and follow the movements of the US destroyer Milius in the Spratly Islands
New JSDF report on CV-17 Shandong. Carrier has undertaken 120 flight ops over three days, 80 fixed wing, 40 heliborne. Carrier & escorts (054A   901 AOE) remains in a position ca 350 km east of Taiwan.中国海軍艦艇の動向について(CV17発着艦)n1 rok Před
New JSDF report on CV-17 Shandong. Carrier has undertaken 120 flight ops over three days, 80 fixed wing, 40 heliborne. Carrier & escorts (054A 901 AOE) remains in a position ca 350 km east of Taiwan.中国海軍艦艇の動向について(CV17発着艦)n
Latest update on aircraft carriers in the waters east of Taiwan, based on newly released information by Japan's Ministry of Defense1 rok Před
Latest update on aircraft carriers in the waters east of Taiwan, based on newly released information by Japan's Ministry of Defense