4 Ліпень 2024
2 месяц таму
Chinese Defense Minister: We will continue to strengthen the partnership between Moscow and Beijing in the military field
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The Chinese President meets the US Secretary of State in Beijing
Iran’s deputy foreign minister Ali Bagheri met China president’s special envoy in Moscow2 месяц таму
Iran’s deputy foreign minister Ali Bagheri met China president’s special envoy in Moscow
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Iran and China defense ministers met in Kazakhstan on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s meeting
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Chinese President to Blinken: We hope that the United States will adopt a positive view of China's development
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The US Secretary of State says he held "extensive and constructive" talks with his Chinese counterpart
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China's foreign minister on Friday urged visiting US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to address rising disagreements or risk a "downward spiral" between the two powers after months of efforts to ease tensions
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TikTok's owner ByteDance would prefer to 'shut down' its app in the US rather than sell it if all legal options are exhausted - Reuters
Карабель, звязаны з пастаўкамі зброі з Паўночнай Карэі ў Расію, прышвартаваўся ў Кітаі
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The Chinese Army: We are ready to work with all countries to enhance communication and trust and play a positive role in building a safe maritime society
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The US Secretary of State arrives in Beijing for talks with senior Chinese officials
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TikTok CEO: We will fight against the American ban in the courts
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.@SecBlinken has arrived in Shanghai - the first of two stops on his China trip
US Senate approves bill banning TikTok unless Chinese owner ByteDance sells platform
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Кітай асуджае абвінавачванні ЗША ў падтрымцы расейскай арміі, называючы іх беспадстаўнымі
2 месяц таму
Police have arrested a staff member of the German far-right Alternative for Germany party on suspicion of espionage for China. The employee is said to work for the AfD's top candidate for the European Parliament elections, Maximilian Krah
2 месяц таму
Secretary Blinken:We remain focused on promoting a free and open Indo-Pacific. In today's @G7 meeting, we discussed the need for peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, the South China Sea, and the Korean Peninsula, and our efforts to strengthen and reimagine relationships in the region
2 месяц таму
The Chinese Ministry of Defense announces the formation of a new cyber military force
On Artificial Intelligence-"We're seeing a variety of bad actors using AI to make themselves significantly more effective" per @FBI's Wray in Q&A. Says that includes China
2 месяц таму
China: Israel must comply with the Security Council resolution and ceasefire in the Gaza Strip
Biden: I want fair competition, not conflict with China
US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken will visit China next week
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US navy flies aircraft through the Taiwan Strait a day after US-China defense chiefs hold rare talks
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Канцлер Германіі: Я папрасіла прэзідэнта КНР паспрабаваць аказаць ціск на Расію, каб яна спыніла вайну ва Украіне
2 месяц таму
Крэмль: Мы вітаем узважаную пазіцыю Пекіна па ўрэгуляванні ўкраінскага крызісу і ведаем пра прапановы Кітая
2 месяц таму
Overall 18 PLA aircraft in various types (including J-10, Y-8, UAVs, etc.) were detected along the SW coast of Mainland China from 1150hr today. Out of which, 11 crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait and entered the north, central, and southwest parts of Taiwan's ADIZ
2 месяц таму
Chinese Army: We will severely strike any separatist activities in Taiwan
2 месяц таму
Chinese Army: We will severely strike any separatist activities in Taiwan
PRC vessel swarm at Scarborough Shoal in the Philippines' exclusive economic zone. Includes at least China Coast Guard 3106 (currently running AIS-dark) & CCG 3302 plus 10 large Qiong Sansha Yu maritime militia ships2 месяц таму
PRC vessel swarm at Scarborough Shoal in the Philippines' exclusive economic zone. Includes at least China Coast Guard 3106 (currently running AIS-dark) & CCG 3302 plus 10 large Qiong Sansha Yu maritime militia ships
Biden says US is ready to defend the Philippines from any attack in the disputed South China Sea, which Beijing claims almost all of it