21 sentyabr 2024
1 day ago
Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council said today that Taiwan will start allowing Taiwanese nationals and their same-sex partner from China, Hong Kong and Macau to register their marriage if they first get married in a third country
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:20 PLA aircraft and 10 PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC 8) today. 15 of the aircraft crossed the median line and entered Taiwan's northern, central and southwestern ADIZ1 day ago
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:20 PLA aircraft and 10 PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC 8) today. 15 of the aircraft crossed the median line and entered Taiwan's northern, central and southwestern ADIZ
2 day ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 33 km E of Hefei, China
2 day ago
A Chinese aircraft carrier entered Japan's contiguous waters for the first time, NHK reports
2 day ago
PLA Navy vessels, led by the aircraft carrier Liaoning, sailed through the waters northeast of Taiwan and continued toward the southeast of Yonaguni Island, Japan. During this period, ROCArmedForces have monitored the situation and responded accordingly
3 day ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 41 km ESE of Ürümqi, China
Pentagon: We have taken steps to improve the mechanism for providing military assistance to Taiwan
3 day ago
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:8 PLA aircraft, 7 PLAN vessels and 2 official ships operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC 8) today. 4 of the aircraft crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait
U.S. Imposes Sanctions on Chinese Suppliers to Pakistan’s Ballistic Missile Program
1 week ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 274 km NNE of Saga, China
Reuters, Avropa mənbələrinə istinadən: Rusiya keçən il Çin mühərrikləri və hissələrini istifadə edərək Garpia-A1 adlı yeni uzun mənzilli hücum pilotsuz təyyarəsi istehsal etməyə başladı.
Chinese foreign ministry says Front-line armies of India, China have "realized disengagement in four areas" in the Western sector of the China-India border, including the Galwan Valley
ABŞ-ın Təhlükəsizlik Şurasındakı səfirinin müavini: Çin Ukraynaya qarşı müharibəsində Rusiyaya kömək edir
Pakistan PM: Saudi Arabia, China, UAE helped us get IMF program
1 week ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - western Xizang
1 week ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 297 km S of Aqqan, China
China's Foreign Ministry opposes German ships' passage through Taiwan Strait, calls it 'provocation and escalation'
German frigate Baden-Württemberg and replenishment ship Frankfurt am Main are about to transit the Taiwan Strait today1 week ago
German frigate Baden-Württemberg and replenishment ship Frankfurt am Main are about to transit the Taiwan Strait today
Putin Konstantin sarayında Çinin xarici işlər naziri Van Yi ilə görüşüb. Nazir Sankt-Peterburqa təhlükəsizlik məsələlərinə nəzarət edən BRİKS nümayəndələrinin görüşü üçün gəlib.1 week ago
Putin Konstantin sarayında Çinin xarici işlər naziri Van Yi ilə görüşüb. Nazir Sankt-Peterburqa təhlükəsizlik məsələlərinə nəzarət edən BRİKS nümayəndələrinin görüşü üçün gəlib.
Made 'some progress" on border talks with China. 75% of disengagement problems over says EAM Dr S Jaishankar
India China have complex relationship, says EAM Dr S Jaishankar at an address in Geneva
1 week ago
Zelenski: "Çin-Braziliya sülh təklifi "dağıdıcı", "siyasi bəyanat"dan başqa bir şey deyil
China warns it will “crush” any foreign interference in Southern China Sea
1 week ago
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:29 PLA aircraft, 8 PLAN vessels and 1 official ships operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC 8) today. 20 of the aircraft crossed the median line and entered Taiwan's northern, central and southwestern ADIZ
China conducted the 2-day amphibious exercise featured a brigade-sized joint landing force and took place 350km west of Taiwan. PLA aircraft, warships, helicopters, drones, armored vehicles, and civilian ferries (loaded with  ground forces) participated1 week ago
China conducted the 2-day amphibious exercise featured a brigade-sized joint landing force and took place 350km west of Taiwan. PLA aircraft, warships, helicopters, drones, armored vehicles, and "civilian" ferries (loaded with ground forces) participated
ABŞ dövlət katibinin müavini Kurt Kempbell deyib ki, Pekin Moskvaya döyüş maşınının gücləndirilməsi üçün "çox əhəmiyyətli" kömək edir və bunun müqabilində Rusiya sualtı qayıqlar və raketlər üzrə yaxından qorunan hərbi texnikasını təhvil verir.
1 week ago
Taiwan says a Mirage-2000 has crashed near Hsinchu county during a night time exercise. The cause of the crash is still unknown. nThe pilot ejected successfully and search and rescue operations are currently underway. Military suspects the plane might of lost power
1 week ago
Putin says naval maneuvers with China are the largest since the fall of the USSR
@INDOPACOM chief Adm. Paparo held a video teleconference Monday with Gen. Wu Yanan, the commander of the People's Liberation Army's Southern Theater Command. The call was a deliverable from the bilat between @POTUS and Chinese President Xi Jinping
Çin prezidenti: Pekin sülhü, dialoqu təşviq etməyə və Ukrayna böhranının siyasi həllində rol oynamağa davam edəcək